My Life in Dog Years: A Poodle Named Henry and Other Melodramas
When Candida Pugh fell in love with a friend’s giant poodle, she decided to find one for herself. But the poodle she found at a Fremont, California, shelter resembled the other dog only in his keen intelligence and outgoing personality. In fact, she was advised not to adopt Henry because “he’s a biter.” If that had summed up his defects, it would’ve been bad enough, but his tendency to bite the hand that fed him proved merely the tip of the iceberg.
Her struggles with this maddening, adorable, astute animal foreshadowed a series of impulsive acquisitions of dogs with issues. In this memoir, she details how her love for difficult dogs resulted in frustration, determination, and ultimately jubilation. The unwavering devotion she won from each gave her the courage to overcome her own troubled past.